There are all kind of the people around the world, but, in special, there is such a kind who is hard to live together… discouraged. That, who nothing is good, nothing will be better, people whom all the time waits something bad happen!
Yes, I know that in the secular world we find it all the time but, what make me crazy are those who to do it inside our churches, living with Jesus, or think that do it!
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When Nehemiah started rebuild of the wall of Jerusalem , he knows that it would be a work for God.
…when Sanballat heard that we were building the wall, he was wroth, and mocked the Jews. Ne4:1
I will call you attention for some points at this text and the first is: – Even that we live at church and seek to do the better to God; it NEVER will stops the people to try take out our faith. Yesterday someone said me that even she was going to the church, her life was hard and she was asking to Jesus become all things better because she was doing His will, and why something yet were hard! You, my dear reader, learn it. All the time there will trouble around. This troubles never means that God left us alone, it just means that trouble will happen, keep you faith and eyes upon Jesus. He won and we will win also!
I will call you attention for some points at this text and the first is: – Even that we live at church and seek to do the better to God; it NEVER will stops the people to try take out our faith. Yesterday someone said me that even she was going to the church, her life was hard and she was asking to Jesus become all things better because she was doing His will, and why something yet were hard! You, my dear reader, learn it. All the time there will trouble around. This troubles never means that God left us alone, it just means that trouble will happen, keep you faith and eyes upon Jesus. He won and we will win also!
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When Nehemiah heard all mocking and ridiculing, instead weep or say that God was bad, He PRAYED and sought a new strategy to do!
What call my attention and make me scared is what Nehemiah did! He prayed and not claims or put out bad words toward God. He thought new things to do and bring good feeling in all people around him! WOW, amazing, thanks Nehemiah to teach us what to do.
Hey, stop to claim, stop to cry and say that all blame is of God. STOP and do something!!
Nehemiah known that he needed rebuild a city. Nothing took out his focus.
If tow or three people say some bad word of us. If the things in ours life getting hard, we stop to go to the church, stop our prayers and take away our bibles. Some peoples think that, doing it, they will call attention to God! No , never.
God help those who wake up and fight.
…with one of his hands wrought in the work, and with the other hand held a weapon. Ne 4:17
Oh Jesus, neither one wrath or cry but just work and fight. It’s what we need to do. We need to fight and close our mouths to say foolish words, toward God.
Oh Jesus, neither one wrath or cry but just work and fight. It’s what we need to do. We need to fight and close our mouths to say foolish words, toward God.
Just read this verse and I shouldn’t say anything more! They known what do and nothing could stop them. Our problem: we are lazier. WE want all things at ours hands. We are used ask food, water, movie, friend and until marriage by internet or phone! We became big lazier and when our life call us to fight, we just sit and cry.
Dear friend, if we keep in this lazier thought and action, we never will find anything from God!
WAKE , before that be late!
3 say what you think:
Ola gente boa de Jesus!
Estou passeando na net para conhecer blogs cristãos, saber o que o povo está buscando e falando... E para divulgar meu blog, o Genizah.
Muito legal o trabalho que vocês fazem aqui! Parabéns.
Vou seguir vocês e espero pela oportunidade daquela troca de irmão em Cristo aqui ou no meu blog, se você me der a honra e prazer da visita.
Genizah é um blog de apologética cristã com uma boa dose de humor. Nosso time é formado por escritores, pastores, humoristas e chargistas cristãos.
Espero que goste. Paz e Bem!
Parabéns pelo trabalho no blog. Já estou seguindo.
Aproveito para lhe convidar a conhecer o meu blog, e se desejar também segui-lo, será uma honra.
Seus comentários também serão muito bem-vindos!
Te espero lá!
Graça e paz!
Andando por Blogs cristãos cheguei até o seu e quero te parabenizar pela bênção que pude ver aqui.
Já estou te seguindo e aos poucos venho conhecer mais os seus textos.
Será uma honra te receber no, e se quiser segui-lo vai ser uma alegria pra mim.
No blog conto da forma mais realista e divertida possível as realidades, dúvidas e experiências de uma simples pastora como eu.
Fique na paz. Um abraço.
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