

The fake christian

A text worth reading , will be worth your minutes standing here ... (PARA LER EM PORTUGUÊS, CLIQUE AQUI)

 Brothers without the death of the old man on the cross with Christ , there is no deliverance from sin , and sin is not crucified and annihilated, there is no deliverance of the sinner . We need to acknowledge and confess . Christianity is Christ and anything else . Jesus did not come into the world to make us rich , but to make us holy . Hebrews 12:14 Follow peace with all men and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord .
"Christianity " adulterated is the most effective and dangerous instrument of Satan against the Christian church . He looks like the real , the real name is , is the true appearance , but cancel the cross of Christ . For Christ sent me not to baptize , but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, it does not nullify the cross of Christ . 1 Corinthians 1:17 .
The Brazilian people are a people very mystical , so the tragedy of our time is not skepticism , but faith in anything, I believe it happen around the world. People believe in mystical objects even inside the church, to bring 'good look', I stay wondering what it came from! When a man turns from God is not because he does not believe in anything, but he believes in everything. Only one thing is worse than believers who do not believe : " Christians who believe that believe ." But everyone is Flushing in the inability to obey. That is why our society has lost respect for Christian churches because of the inconsistency between what Christ teaches and which people live . And we know that it is through the true church , which is His body, that Christ changed the world . The true church necessarily impacts the world. It is literally impossible the world not to see Jesus Christ when He has a body on earth . And who is the person of Christ within him has no way to hide , because there is a manifestation. Standing up , he departed thence to the land of Tyre and Sidon . Having entered a house, wanted anyone to know , however , could not hide. Mark 7:24 .
True Christianity is based on a person: Christ. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid , which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11 .
Jesus Christ before He became flesh , and be visible to thousands of people , was the Truth was what is , and always will be regardless of any human consensus . We must bear in mind that Christ is the sovereign of the universe , therefore, is not we who determines the facts .

If the Scriptures say that Jesus is sovereign , and we believe that He is , then , no escape : those who do not obey God, is rebellious subject to judgment . They prefer to believe that this is a delusion . Therefore , antagonize the Creator , despising the judgment and the love of God . The danger for the Christian is not the increase in income , but the decrease of the character . The kingdom of heaven is not an elite club . The sky is admitted only by the blood of Jesus. You can not buy a title of the kingdom in the sky , as if purchased in any city . For what the law could not , in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin , and , in effect , condemned sin in the flesh , sin . Romans 8:3 .
Attentive to " Christianity " around, and induces a culture that fosters self-delusion that we are Christians because we adhere to a Christian church and Christian practices . The teaching that faith does not result in character and consequent actions come directly from the Devil . The Deceiver is also the emphasis on " cheap grace " and induction in a reduction of Christ and His work to a utility god . The illusion of being a Christian without obedience to Christ is diabolical . Becoming a Christian involves our whole being . Peter said to Jesus on behalf of the apostles in Matthew 19:27 Then Peter told him : Behold we have left all and followed thee , that is , for us ?
The tragedy of modern humanity is that they completely ignores the true Christianity , and fooled accepting almost any kind of imitation and counterfeit of true faith . Speaking of " Four Spiritual Laws " in " decision for Christ " , or ask people to " accept Jesus " without the inclusion of the sinner, preach the death and resurrection of Christ is false . Without the death of the old man, the man remains a sinner and service to the Devil , filling the churches of unregenerate . Are people who do the worst with the best of intentions . But the pure and true Christianity is Christ , the cross , resurrection and sanctification .
True Christianity is based on a person: Christ. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid , which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11 .

Cristianismo falso


Um texto digno de ler, vão valer seus minutos parados aqui...

Irmãos sem a morte do velho homem na cruz com Cristo, não há libertação do pecado, e se o pecado não for crucificado e aniquilado, não há libertação do pecador. Precisamos reconhecer e confessar. Cristianismo é Cristo e mais nada. Jesus não veio ao mundo para nos fazer ricos, mas pra nos fazer santos. Hebreus 12:14 Segui a paz com todos e a santificação, sem a qual ninguém verá o Senhor.

O “cristianismo” adulterado é o mais eficaz e perigoso instrumento de satanás contra a igreja cristã. Ele se parece com o verdadeiro, tem nome do verdadeiro, tem aparência do verdadeiro, mas anulam a cruz de Cristo. Porque não me enviou Cristo para batizar, mas para pregar o evangelho; não com sabedoria de palavra, para que se não anule a cruz de Cristo. 1 Coríntios 1:17.
O povo brasileiro é um povo muito místico, por isso a tragédia de nosso tempo não é o ceticismo, mas a fé em qualquer coisa. Quando um homem volta as costas para Deus não é porque ele não crê em nada, mas é que ele crê em tudo. Somente uma coisa é mais tola do que crentes que não creem: “crentes que creem que creem”. Mas todos se nivelam na incapacidade de obedecer. É por isso que a nossa sociedade perdeu o respeito pelas igrejas cristãs devido à inconsistência entre o que Cristo ensina e o que as pessoas vivem. E nós sabemos que é por meio da igreja verdadeira, que é o Seu corpo, que Cristo muda o mundo. A igreja verdadeira necessariamente impacta o mundo. É literalmente impossível o mundo não ver Jesus Cristo quando Ele dispõe de um corpo na terra. E quem tem a Pessoa de Cristo em seu interior não tem como ocultar-se, porque há uma manifestação. Levantando-se, partiu dali para as terras de Tiro e Sidom. Tendo entrado numa casa, queria que ninguém o soubesse; no entanto, não pôde ocultar-se. Marcos 7:24.
O verdadeiro cristianismo se fundamenta em uma Pessoa: Cristo. Porque ninguém pode lançar outro fundamento, além do que foi posto, o qual é Jesus Cristo. 1 Coríntios 3:11.
Jesus Cristo antes de se fazer carne, e de ser visível a milhares de pessoas, era a Verdade era o que é, e o que sempre será independentemente de qualquer consenso humano. Temos que ter em mente que Cristo é o soberano do Universo, portanto, não somos nós quem determina os fatos.

Se as Escrituras afirmam que Jesus é soberano, e nós cremos que Ele é, então, não tem escapatória: quem não obedece a Deus é rebelde; sujeito a juízo. Eles preferem crer que isso é um delírio. Por isso, hostilizam o Criador, desprezando o juízo e o amor de Deus. O perigo para o cristão não é o aumento da renda, mas a diminuição do caráter. O reino dos céus não é um clube de elite. No céu só se é admitido pelo sangue de Jesu. Não se pode comprar um título do reino no céu, como se compra em qualquer cidade. Porquanto o que fora impossível à lei, no que estava enferma pela carne, isso fez Deus enviando o seu próprio Filho em semelhança de carne pecaminosa e no tocante ao pecado; e, com efeito, condenou Deus, na carne, o pecado. Romanos 8:3.
Atento ao "cristianismo" por ai, uma cultura que induz e favorece a autoilusão de que somos cristãos porque aderimos a uma igreja cristã e a práticas cristãs. O ensino que a fé não resulta em caráter e ações conseqüentes vêm diretamente do Diabo. Do Enganador vem também à ênfase na “graça barata” e a indução ao reduzimento de Cristo e Sua obra a um deus utilitário. A ilusão de ser cristão sem obediência a Cristo é diabólica. Tornar-se cristão compromete o nosso ser total. Pedro disse a Jesus em nome dos apóstolos em Mateus 19:27 Então, lhe falou Pedro: Eis que nós tudo deixamos e te seguimos; que será, pois, de nós?

A tragédia do homem moderno é que ele ignora completamente o verdadeiro cristianismo, e se deixa enganar aceitando quase todo e qualquer tipo de imitação e falsificação da fé verdadeira. Falar de “quatro leis espirituais”, em “decisão por Cristo”, ou pedir às pessoas que “aceitem Jesus”, sem pregar a inclusão do pecador na morte e ressurreição de Cristo é falso. Sem a morte do velho homem, o homem continua pecador e a serviço ao Diabo, enchendo as igrejas de não regenerados. São pessoas que fazem o pior com a melhor das intenções. Mas o puro e verdadeiro cristianismo é Cristo, a cruz, a ressurreição e a santificação.
O verdadeiro cristianismo se fundamenta em uma Pessoa: Cristo. Porque ninguém pode lançar outro fundamento, além do que foi posto, o qual é Jesus Cristo. 1 Coríntios 3:11.


I wanna be rock star

 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 8:31,32
Many teaching we get in these two verses. I will look in this: "If you hold to my teaching..."
To believe in Jesus is more than to  know about Him. It is more than to know what He is able to do. To trust in Him means  to abandon our beliefs, even when we "believe" they may be came from God.
Many times we were taught about God but few of us look at Bible carefully to know if we were taught right, we use to believe because we use to believe!
When Jesus calls us, He says come and trust in me like I'm, even (and I dare to say, frequently) this believe means to abandon our on view point about Him. How many time we use to question our on faith? We have our faith and we always think be right.
John 7:27 shows us people confused about if Jesus was or not The Messiah, and why? Because a common sense in the time, used to say that when The Messiah come, nobody would know where He would come from and Jesus, even showing great miracles, amazing teachings and uncountable signs, was knowing by everybody, His birth city, parents and family making Him not fulfill 'the common sense'.
what it means, Patricia, you can ask me?
It means, dearest reader,  if we day by day, do not seek God, and obey His word more than religion and common sense, we are going to lost the real Jesus, and what is more important, salvation! Some times, we see Jesus in people that we don't think be "someone of God" and this kind of thought block us to listen God. We use to listen and read "that preachers we like" and few time we dare to question them, we just listen! Jesus said: If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.John 8:31,32. 
To hold His teaching many (many) times, will means be against common sense, religious traditions and culture.
We are near of a big american commemoration, Halloween. Some churches have bringing it into its temples cultivating witches, monsters and many kinds of bad stuff, just because 'it is our culture'. Brazil has many similar things, what people call folklore and I call blindness.
But, what matter is, that we have to be free and this freedom only come from obey Jesus and His word. To keep our salvation we have to stay living Matthew 5. Loving those who persecute us. Forgiving those who hurt us. Helping the needy.

I have  seen the church of 21 century. This is the most rich church of all time, and to our shame and sadness, the 21 century church is that has less impact and influence in the society. How is it possible? Maybe it is possible because people and leaders of this church, look for become similar to the world. Our clothes, life style, language, and habits in almost nothing differs of the world. We have the same desires, we have the same plans, we look for our own will, we look for be known by our greatness, our diploma in big universities. The 'dream' of big part of people that are called christian, is the same dream of those who aren't.
It is rare listen young from our churches say that to dream in become missionary, pastor our be known for forgive, love and live like Jesus. They want to be celebrity! If be pastor, they want be at TV, our to be a "gospel rock' star".  Resigns, altruism aren't words of our vocabulary!
Church, we have to wake up. We have to come back to Jesus life style. More of Him and less (too much less) of us.
To be a real christian, we need fast, turn away. We have to review our concepts before it guides us to too far that will be impossible to come back.
Come back church, come back!