Valores da vida
Pouca coisa me surpreende nesse mundo, isso é verdade, mas que fico extasiada quando vejo o que o ser humano se torna quando não está nos caminhos de Deus, isso fico. Meu Deus! Na verdade eu tenho que concordar com a bíblia que diz em 2 Pedro 2:22 ... Volta o cão ao seu vômito, e a porca lavada volta a revolver-se no lamaçal, sim, eles voltam à lama e ao vômito! Sendo assim, não há muito que fazer a não ser contemplar horrorizada a vergonha deles.
... e reservar para o dia do juízo os injustos, que já estão sendo castigados; 10especialmente aqueles que, seguindo a carne, andam em imundas concupiscências, e desprezam toda autoridade. Atrevidos, arrogantes, não receiam blasfemar das dignidades, 12Mas estes, como criaturas irracionais, por natureza feitas para serem presas e mortas, blasfemando do que não entendem, perecerão na sua corrupção, 13recebendo a paga da sua injustiça; pois que tais homens têm prazer em deleites ã luz do dia; e insaciáveis no pecar; engodando as almas inconstantes, tendo um coração exercitado na ganância, filhos de maldição; 15 os quais, deixando o caminho direito, desviaram-se, ... 19prometendo-lhes liberdade, quando eles mesmos são escravos da corrupção; porque de quem um homem é vencido, do mesmo é feito escravo. 20Porquanto se, depois de terem escapado das corrupções do mundo pelo pleno conhecimento do Senhor e Salvador Jesus Cristo, ficam de novo envolvidos nelas e vencidos, tornou-se-lhes o último estado pior que o primeiro. 21Porque melhor lhes fora não terem conhecido o caminho da justiça, do que, conhecendo-o, desviarem-se do santo mandamento que lhes fora dado. 22Deste modo sobreveio-lhes o que diz este provérbio verdadeiro; Volta o cão ao seu vômito, e a porca lavada volta a revolver-se no lamaçal. 2 Pedro 2:10-22
A cegueira espiritual para a qual voltaram os leva a uma vida vã, vergonhosa e vazia, uma vez que possuem o conhecimento de que nada nesse mundo pode supri-los, buscam em vão o preenchimento das horas do dia em coisas realmente tolas.
Seus desejos os engodam deixando-os envoltos a vergonha e futilidade. Suas palavras expostas a público (obrigada facebook e internet por permitir-nos ver o interior de certas pessoas que quando sentam em frente ao computador sentem-se a vontade para abrirem seus vazios corações, expondo ao mundo que realmente o conhecimento de Deus os está longe, e que um coração vazio é fonte de inutilidade e vergonha. São por eles mesmos envergonhados e nem se dão conta!) mostram que o ser humano sem Deus é realmente nada. Em João 9 Jesus se depara com um cego de nascença e, após uma, digamos, diferente abordagem de cura, permite o fim da cegueira física do rapaz abrindo uma oportunidade de vida nova! “E passando Jesus, viu um homem cego de nascença... cuspiu no chão e com a saliva fez lodo, e untou com lodo os olhos do cego, disse-lhe: Vai, lava-te no tanque de Siloé. E ele foi, lavou-se, e voltou vendo.”
Novas portas. Oportunidades e nova vida, agora não mais dependente de pessoas o rapaz aprenderia a confiar em Deus e depender de seus próprios esforços para vencer. Quando as pessoas são cegas espirituais, ou mundanas, elas são dependentes... Dependentes de outros para serem felizes, dependentes de festas e círculos de amizades. Entregam-se a vícios e criam situações que as tornam mais dependentes em um circulo infinito de vazio no qual põem toda sua atenção, dinheiro, pensamentos e emoções. Põem suas vidas vazias em um circulo vicioso vazio que passa a ser tudo que são, ou seja, nada. E por serem cegas, não veem isso, pensam apenas que a vida é assim.
Porém queridos leitores, a pior cegueira não é de pessoas como esse rapaz que nasceu cego, uma vez que ele não fora responsável por seu estado, sua cura vem, dá gloria a Deus e o liberta para salvação. No entanto, a pior cegueira pertence aqueles que dizem ‘eu vejo’. 40 Alguns fariseus que ali estavam com ele, ouvindo isso, perguntaram-lhe: Porventura somos nós também cegos? 41 Respondeu-lhes Jesus: Se fosseis cegos, não teríeis pecado; mas como agora dizeis: Nós vemos, permanece o vosso pecado. Algumas pessoas têm se tornado cegas por suas escolhas. Têm abandonado a doutrina do amor, piedade, humildade e perdão para seguirem a vaidade de seus corações e as vãs filosofias do mundo.
Para aqueles que deliberadamente abrem mão de andar com Deus e escolhem a volta para a vida mundana, não há muito mais o que lhes dizer ou acrescentar, visto que a Palavra é clara quando diz: Hebreus 6 Porque é impossível que os que uma vez foram iluminados, e provaram o dom celestial, e se fizeram participantes do Espírito Santo, e provaram a boa palavra de Deus, e os poderes do mundo vindouro, e depois caíram, sejam outra vez renovados para arrependimento; visto que, quanto a eles, estão crucificando de novo o Filho de Deus, e o expondo ao vitupério. Pois a terra que embebe a chuva, que cai muitas vezes sobre ela, e produz erva proveitosa para aqueles por quem é lavrada, recebe a bênção da parte de Deus; mas se produz espinhos e abrolhos, é rejeitada, e perto está da maldição; o seu fim é ser queimada.
Ainda temos tempo para escolhermos o caminho pelo qual seguiremos, ou melhor, para permanecermos no caminho que já escolhemos e não permitamos que as futilidades desse mundo engodem nosso entendimento, pois há muito mais de Deus reservado pra os que andam com perseverança. Lembrando também que não é penoso o caminho de Deus como muitos pregam por ai (1 João 5:3 seus mandamentos não são penosos)
Mas de vós, ó amados, esperamos coisas melhores, e que acompanham a salvação, ainda que assim falamos. 10Porque Deus não é injusto, para se esquecer da vossa obra, e do amor que para com o seu nome mostrastes, porquanto servistes aos santos, e ainda os servis. Hebreus 6:9,10
Valor próprio e coisas como as tais, não se encontram no mundo nem andando em seus rudimentos. Valores como esse são agregados à vida das pessoas que creem e andam com Deus.
Você vale muito para retroceder. Seja firme na presença de Deus e não deixe o mundo inútil te colocar no mesmo pacote. Fomos comprados pelo Sangue de Jesus, valemos muito mais com certeza.
Values - what is a life without God
Very little things surprises me in this world, this is true, but I'm ecstatic when I see that man becomes when he is not in the ways of God, that I am. My God! Actually I have to agree with what the Bible says in 2 Peter 2:22 ... Return the dog to his vomit, and the sow that was washed back to wallowing in the mire, yes, they go back to the mud and vomit! Thus, there is not much to do but contemplate their shame horrified.
... and reserve for the day of Judgement the wicked, who are already being punished; 10 those who after the flesh, walking in lust of defilement, and despise authority. Bold and arrogant, not afraid to speak evil of dignities, 12 these, like irrational creatures by nature meant to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of you do not understand, perish in their corruption, 13 getting the wages of unrighteousness; men that take pleasure to revel in the day, and cease from sin, beguiling unstable souls, having a heart exercised in covetousness, children of cursing; 15 who, forsaking the right way, they turned away, ... 19 promising them liberty, they themselves are slaves of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, the same is made a slave. 20 so if, after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein and overcome, them became the last state worse than the first. 21 better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after knowing it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them. 22 befallen them so what does this saying true; Return the dog to his vomit and the sow that was washed back to wallowing in the mire. 2 Peter 2:10-22
The spiritual blindness for which again leads to a wasted life, shameful and empty, as they have the knowledge that nothing in this world can supply them, will seek in filling the hours of the day things really silly.
The spiritual blindness for which again leads to a wasted life, shameful and empty, as they have the knowledge that nothing in this world can supply them, will seek in filling the hours of the day things really silly.
Their desires entice them, leaving them wrapped in shame and futility. His words exposed to the public (thanks facebook and internet for allowing us to see the inside of certain people because when they sit at your computer, feel free to open their hearts empty, exposing to the world that really the knowledge of God is far and an empty heart that is source of worthlessness and shame. They are embarrassed by them and not realize!) show that the human being is really nothing without God.
In John 9 Jesus encounters a man born blind, and after, say, different approach to healing, allows the end of the physical blindness of the boy, opening a new lease of life! "And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man blind from birth ... spat on the ground and made mud with the saliva, and smeared with mud eyes of the blind man said unto him, Go, wash yourself in the pool of Siloam. And he went and washed, and came seeing. "
New doors. Opportunities and new life, no longer dependent on people, from now learn to trust God and rely on his own efforts to win. When people are blind spiritual or mundane, they are dependent ... Dependent on others to be happy, dependent parties and circles of friends. Indulge in vices and create situations that make them more dependent on an infinite circle of emptiness in which they put all their attention, money, thoughts and emotions. They put their lives in a vicious circle empty void that is now all they are, or anything. And because they are blind, don’t see, just think it's life.
But dear readers, is not the worst blindness of people like this boy who was born blind, since he was not responsible for your condition, your healing comes, give glory to God for salvation and release. However, the worst blindness belongs to those who say 'I see'. 40Some Pharisees who were with him heard these words, and said unto him, Are we blind also? 41 Jesus answered them: If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see, your sin remains. Some people have become blinded by their choices. Have abandoned the doctrine of love, compassion, humility and forgiveness to follow the vanity of their hearts and the vain philosophies of the world.
For those who deliberately give up walking with God and choose to return to the mundane, there's not much else to say or add to them, since the Word of God is clear when he says:Hebrews 6 it is impossible for those who were once enlightened and have tasted the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Spirit, and tasted the good word of God and the powers of the world to come, and then fell away, to renew them again unto repentance, because, as they are crucifying again the Son of God, and exposed to public shame. For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God, but if it bears thorns and briers is rejected and is nigh unto cursing; its goal is to be burned.
We still have time to choose the way in which we follow, or rather to stay on the path already chosen and let not the trifles of this world entice our understanding, for there is much more of God reserved for those who walk with perseverance. Recalling also that it is painful the way of God preach as many out there (1 John 5:3 His commandments are not burdensome)
But you, beloved, we expect better things, and things that accompany salvation, though we thus speak. God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love to his name shows, because they ministered to the saints, and still do minister. Hebrews 6:9,10
Worth and things as such, are not walking in the world nor in its rudiments. Values like theses are added to the lives of people who believe and walk with God.
You are worth far to turn back. Be firm in the presence of God and not let the world put you useless in the same package. We were bought by the Blood of Jesus, are worth much more for sure.
In John 9 Jesus encounters a man born blind, and after, say, different approach to healing, allows the end of the physical blindness of the boy, opening a new lease of life! "And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man blind from birth ... spat on the ground and made mud with the saliva, and smeared with mud eyes of the blind man said unto him, Go, wash yourself in the pool of Siloam. And he went and washed, and came seeing. "
New doors. Opportunities and new life, no longer dependent on people, from now learn to trust God and rely on his own efforts to win. When people are blind spiritual or mundane, they are dependent ... Dependent on others to be happy, dependent parties and circles of friends. Indulge in vices and create situations that make them more dependent on an infinite circle of emptiness in which they put all their attention, money, thoughts and emotions. They put their lives in a vicious circle empty void that is now all they are, or anything. And because they are blind, don’t see, just think it's life.
But dear readers, is not the worst blindness of people like this boy who was born blind, since he was not responsible for your condition, your healing comes, give glory to God for salvation and release. However, the worst blindness belongs to those who say 'I see'. 40Some Pharisees who were with him heard these words, and said unto him, Are we blind also? 41 Jesus answered them: If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see, your sin remains. Some people have become blinded by their choices. Have abandoned the doctrine of love, compassion, humility and forgiveness to follow the vanity of their hearts and the vain philosophies of the world.
For those who deliberately give up walking with God and choose to return to the mundane, there's not much else to say or add to them, since the Word of God is clear when he says:Hebrews 6 it is impossible for those who were once enlightened and have tasted the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Spirit, and tasted the good word of God and the powers of the world to come, and then fell away, to renew them again unto repentance, because, as they are crucifying again the Son of God, and exposed to public shame. For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God, but if it bears thorns and briers is rejected and is nigh unto cursing; its goal is to be burned.
We still have time to choose the way in which we follow, or rather to stay on the path already chosen and let not the trifles of this world entice our understanding, for there is much more of God reserved for those who walk with perseverance. Recalling also that it is painful the way of God preach as many out there (1 John 5:3 His commandments are not burdensome)
But you, beloved, we expect better things, and things that accompany salvation, though we thus speak. God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love to his name shows, because they ministered to the saints, and still do minister. Hebrews 6:9,10
Worth and things as such, are not walking in the world nor in its rudiments. Values like theses are added to the lives of people who believe and walk with God.
You are worth far to turn back. Be firm in the presence of God and not let the world put you useless in the same package. We were bought by the Blood of Jesus, are worth much more for sure.